Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Training Coalitions 101: Health Education

Lauren H., Ariana, Sam, Anneke, Camille, and Lauren P.
The Health Education Training Coalition is comprised of members who are interested in obtaining more experience and exploring their interest in health education.
"When we first met together as the Health Education training coalition, it was clear that we were all interested in how to make ourselves better health educators, specifically in the maternal/child health field, and in sex education.  For our first training, we attended the QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) anti-suicide training, to better understand how to effectively listen to and refer our clients if they had any suicidal thoughts, a training that has come in handy for several of us during our service. We were also able to attend the Peer Preconception Educator training, learning how to educate peers on the importance of being healthy before you get pregnant, and the Teen Health Facilitator training, where we learned how to be effective facilitators in a teen health setting. Three of the members of the coalition were able to go on and facilitate a 4-week comprehensive sex education program as a result of the Teen Health Facilitator training, and gained valuable experience as health educators. Our favorite service project was putting on a skit for the participants of Jacksonville Job Corps at their talent showcase, where we acted as if we were taking a women’s health quiz and gave correct answers to sexual health questions, such as how to correctly use a condom and information about STD’s. The Job Corps participants loved it, and we had a lot of fun as health educators!" -- Ariana Bentz

When asked how the Health Education training coalition helped with her future career goals, Lauren Hudak said "It allowed me the opportunity to see how people can learn valuable information outside of a classroom setting."

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Member Spotlight: Krystal Kelly


   My name is Krystal Kelly, and I serve as a Physical Activity Educator at YMCA Dye Clay. At the beginning of my service at the YMCA, my goal was to encourage 5% of Clay County youth who are enrolled in YMCA Dye Clay School Age Service after school program to become more physically active, learn about good nutrition, and enhance behavioral skills to reduce obesity & chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. I am achieving my goal through the improvements shown in the Youth Fit for Life fitness testing results and youths’ positive feedbacks on their behavioral medication surveys. The target population for the YMCA Dye Clay Youth Fit for Life Program (YFFL) target population are 5 to 12 years old youth in 26 Clay County YMCA after school programs. YFFL is a physical activity & health behavioral change program, which is delivered at 26 after school sites in Clay County, YMCA, & during School’s Out Camps. I enjoy serving over 1,000 kids from 26 different Clay County schools. I research, develop, and implement health and nutritional activities lesson plans for all 26 sites in YMCA Child Care Sites in Clay County after school programs. I directly deliver the YFFL program three times a week as well. I also conduct YFFL fitness assessments and evaluation of behavioral modifications. Also, after school YMCA site directors deliver the YFFL lesson plan as well. The program consists of cardiovascular exercises 3 times per week in the form of fun and cooperative games. Resistance training such as push-ups, crab crawl, squats, mountain climbers, etc is administered twice per week. I also discuss nutrition topics three times per week prior to physical activities. Youth love playing games such as Sharks & Minnows, Fish Gobbler, Statues, Octopus Tag, Captains Coming, etc.    
My goal is to continue to see improvements in body mass index (BMI), strength, endurance, and body composition. I enjoy serving with youth in Clay County and being a part of the YMCA Dye Clay family. Also, I am very supportive of my youth.  I have seen several of the youth who had little self-confidence or were reluctant to become physically active now adhere to YFFL successfully and develop friendships.  I am excited and joyful to say that all of my kids at all 26 schools adhere to the YFFL program. Our youth are our generation.  I will continue to strive to make a difference in youth lives—even after my service.  

Monday, June 17, 2013

Committees 101: Meet the Professional Development Committee

Committees 101 Series:
The Professional Development Committee!

What does the Professional Development Committee do?
The Professional Development Committee’s role is to further the growth of the corps members through specialized skills and to help be more successful in the professional world. We provide trainings to members in communication skills, cultural competency, managing finances, writing resumes and cover letters, writing personal statements, and career development. We collaborate on ideas and conduct corps-wide surveys to ensure we accommodate the needs of all members. Not only have we fostered the professional growth of the corps, but we have also fostered the growth of each other within the committee through the value of teamwork, individual attributions, communication, and commitment.

What skills have you obtained from serving on your committee?
We have gained many skills including professionalism, effective communication, networking, time management, and event planning

What are your main tasks on your committee?
As a committee member, we are each responsible for trying to foster the professional skills (both hard and soft) to allow members an easier transition into their desired fields of work or study. We try to provide a means for members to navigate their professional interests and expose them to new one.

Professional Development Committee from left to right: Connie Hicks, Kristine Ferrer, John Brice, Sarah Hagerbrant, Alicia Seggelink

“Of course! I could not imagine myself in any other committee as I feel this one allows me to encourage the growth of my own professional skills while assisting others to do the same”
                                                                         -Alicia Seggelink, on how her committee has been rewarding

        “When we finish a presentation and get to see the end result of our hard work. Also, the freedom to create presentations that not only interest members but also yourself”

                                                                                          -Anoymous member, on what her favorite party about the committe is.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Member Spotlight: Brittany Lomax

Name: Brittany Lomax
Hometown: Jacksonville, FL
Interesting Fact: My favorite color is ROYGBIV

As a former student of the Duval County Public School system, I had the privilege of attending some of the primer magnet schools in the state.  However, the location of these magnet schools are in Health Zone One; a zone with the highest rates of cancer, heart disease, unemployment, and low educational status among its residents. 

At the age of 22 I ventured back into the zone, not as a student but as a North Florida Health Corps, AmeriCorps Member.  I serve as a Patient Advocate at Jacksonville Health and Transition Services (JaxHATS), a community pediatric clinic that promotes awareness of local resources for youth with chronic disease and special healthcare needs. Some of the resources include educational and vocational programs, legal services, and access to other health services. As an AmeriCorps Patient Advocate, I help patients gain access to health services, assist them in reaching their health care goals, and aid them through the process of transitioning from  pediatric care to adult oriented health care. There are times when patients call the clinic to make an appointment and discover a lapse in their health insurance, resulting in no coverage.  During these times, it is my responsibility to assist them on possible options they have such as applying for Medicaid, utilizing local hospital contract cards and patient medication assistance programs, or using the volunteer health mobile clinics around town. Although many patients are appreciative of the resources and guidance I provide, some are also nervous of how to cope with a chronic illness especially without the direction of a primary care provider.

Serving in this urban community I see the opportunity as an aspiring physician to play a role in empowering others to get back to their loved ones, responsibilities, and enjoyment of life, regardless of socioeconomic standing or zip code. I want to leave a mark on this world and I see the profession of a primary care provider as the route to do so. My service as an AmeriCorps member has helped create this informed decision, and for that I am grateful for the opportunity to service both in North Florida Health Corps and at JaxHATS.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tristan Follows Up at Baker County

Name: Tristan Morioka
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
Education: Kalamazoo College, BA Psychology
Position: Case manager at Baker County Health Department
Favorite Part of Jacksonville: Beaches Adult Soccer League recreational co-ed soccer, Yates YMCA

I serve in the medial clinic of the BCHD in the referrals department. Baker County is a rural underserved community 25 miles west of Jacksonville. Our clinic provides primary care to a majority of the county’s residents,  however for specialty care patients are referred to physicians typically located in Jacksonville. I provide follow up services to ensure patients are scheduled for and have reliable transportation to their appointments. Patients who have missed their appointments were simply unaware that they had an appointment scheduled, were unable to find transportation, or are intimidated by the task of scheduling an appointment. Although a majority of my day is spent on the phone scheduling appointments I have come to realize that I provide an essential service for those in the community who are in need of assistance. Through my service this year I have learned that transportation and scheduling issues are major barriers to access to care and ultimately improving health outcomes in this community.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Members help create a Clean Green Earth

Members Connie Hicks (L) and Brittany Lomax (R) fill bags with trash from
Jacksonville Beach.
On Saturday, April 27th, NFHC members volunteered with Clean Green Earth through HandsOn Jacksonville to clean-up garbage on and around the beach in Jacksonville Beach, FL. Below are two reflections provided by members who participated in the project that demonstrate what was gained from the experience.
"While walking along the beach on such a pretty day it would have been easy to overlook the bits of trash that scattered my surroundings in favor of the spectacular ocean view, but on that particular day it was my duty to notice and collect those bits of trash. After participating in this service project, I am much more sensitive to the amount of trash that pollutes my surroundings on a daily basis. This service project highlighted the importance of taking notice of our environment on a regular basis and being more active in its conservation. While random pieces of litter, small or large, might seem insignificant it is important to recognize the negative impact of waste on the grander scale and become an active participant in reducing that impact."
-Anneke Demmink

"This service project made me realize how important it is for us all to work together to keep our environment healthy. The health of our environment affects the health of every person in our community. I am now more aware of my impact on the environment and would like to continue to improve the health of our environment."
- Sarah Hagerbrant