Monday, February 18, 2013

100 Days of Service!

We just celebrated 100 days of Service and here are some of the things members had to say:

In 100 Days of Service, I have developed a passion for the intellectually and developmentally disabled population that I serve through my service duties of nutrition and physical education.
- Kristine Ferrer

What do you love about your position or daily service?  My mentor! She is very knowledgeable, helpful and supportive. I get a lot out of our mentor-mentee interactions. I also like to observe her interactions with patients because she is so personable. I think she is "in her element" when she is assisting patients.
- Sheila Rahimpour

Tell us an anecdote that has demonstrated your service means something to others or is making a change. A DCHD official remembered that I had helped a citizen during the Black Expo last year during a meeting yesterday and said how much that made her realize what a great outreach representative I was.
- John Brice

I look forward to dedicating many more hours to service and getting to know my fellow health corps members better in my next 100 days.
- Camille Brockett

The best part about my host site is having the kids come in after school. I love to go out and greet them and hear about their days. Sometimes while I'm sitting at my desk, they'll knock on my window to say hi or show me a picture they've colored. It is great to see them so happy.
- Abby Bradford

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Member Spotlight: Brittany Bestwick at the Baker County Health Department

Name: Brittany Bestwick
Position: Healthy Start Projects and Care Coordinator at the Baker County Health Department
Degrees: Psychology and Spanish from Auburn University
Hometown: Birmingham, AL
Favorite Part of Jacksonville: The beach
Currently reading: Eat, Pray, Love

I am serving with the Baker County Healthy Start Program, which is an outreach program that strives to educate the community about healthy pregnancy and positive infant care. Healthy Start is a statewide program, and its services are particularly important in communities like Baker County, where the infant mortality rate is significantly higher than the state average and many of the deaths are related to un-safe sleep practices and other preventable causes. As part of my service, I facilitate a parenting support group called Parents Helping Parents, which uses an evidenced-based curriculum and strives to empower parents. The topics discussed in the group include safety, health and wellness, discipline, and child development. I think that this group can be very valuable for parents because it gives them a chance to share their experiences and form social connections with other parents in the area. Various participants have told me that attending the group was beneficial for them and their families, and that they learned a lot of new parenting skills. It is very rewarding to see the participants gain confidence in their ability to parent effectively!

Brittany giving a Safe Sleep presentation!

In Baker County, Healthy Start is able to provide a safe sleep environment to individuals who cannot afford a crib. I give safe sleep presentations to each of these individuals. The presentation talks about the ABC’s of safe sleep (babies should always sleep Alone, on their Backs, and in a Crib!), and ways to reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), such as breastfeeding and not smoking. I feel that this service is an important part of our effort to reduce sleeping related infant deaths in the community. Other responsibilities that I have include screening participants for the Healthy Start program and continuing to follow-up with participants to offer them support throughout their pregnancy and after delivery. I really enjoy this part of my service because I am able to form relationships with Healthy Start participants and help them have a healthy pregnancy and prepare for motherhood. I joined AmeriCorps because I wanted to make a difference while gaining professional experience to help prepare me for graduate school and beyond. I have decided to go to nursing school next year, and hope to become a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Through my service this year, I feel that I am gaining many skills that will help me in my future career. In addition, I have met many wonderful people and had the opportunity to live in a new place. I already have so many great memories from this year, and cannot wait to see what the rest of the term has in store!