Monday, February 18, 2013

100 Days of Service!

We just celebrated 100 days of Service and here are some of the things members had to say:

In 100 Days of Service, I have developed a passion for the intellectually and developmentally disabled population that I serve through my service duties of nutrition and physical education.
- Kristine Ferrer

What do you love about your position or daily service?  My mentor! She is very knowledgeable, helpful and supportive. I get a lot out of our mentor-mentee interactions. I also like to observe her interactions with patients because she is so personable. I think she is "in her element" when she is assisting patients.
- Sheila Rahimpour

Tell us an anecdote that has demonstrated your service means something to others or is making a change. A DCHD official remembered that I had helped a citizen during the Black Expo last year during a meeting yesterday and said how much that made her realize what a great outreach representative I was.
- John Brice

I look forward to dedicating many more hours to service and getting to know my fellow health corps members better in my next 100 days.
- Camille Brockett

The best part about my host site is having the kids come in after school. I love to go out and greet them and hear about their days. Sometimes while I'm sitting at my desk, they'll knock on my window to say hi or show me a picture they've colored. It is great to see them so happy.
- Abby Bradford

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