Monday, January 14, 2013

Host-Site Spotlight: Jessica Ball at the Women's Center

Name: Jessica Ball
Position: Care Coordinator of Bosom Buddies at the Women’s Center of Jacksonville
Degree: Anthropology and Zoology from the University of Florida
Hometown: Pensacola, FL
Favorite part of Jacksonville: The beach! Also, driving home at night when the bridges light up and look gorgeous.
Currently Listening To:  Holiday music station on Pandora. 

             Serving with the NFHC has been such a rewarding experience.  October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so I have been busy since day one of my service, which has allowed me to learn so much in a short amount of time.  As the Care Coordinator, I conduct breast health educational presentations in Jacksonville, refer women to services for breast cancer prevention and treatment, coordinate weekly support group meetings, expand community awareness of Bosom Buddies and Young Survivors support groups, and attend health fairs. 
          One thing that I love about my host site is that no one is ever called a victim.  From the moment someone is diagnosed, they are a survivor. My service allows me to help these survivors conquer any challenge that life or cancer throws at them.  A young woman called me with symptoms that were very suspicious of breast cancer but could not find a way to pay for a mammogram.  She was at the end of her rope just about to give up, but I was able to refer her to a clinic for a free mammogram.  Something as simple as that could have saved her life, and I am able to help women like her every day.  I cannot imagine any other position right out of college that would allow me to make a difference while doing service that I’m passionate about.
           When many people are first diagnosed, they can’t help but to feel lost, alone, and afraid. I am the coordinator of the Survivor Advocate Program that provides a support system for newly diagnosed women by pairing them with a breast cancer survivor to serve as their advocate.  The trained advocates attend medical appointments, take notes, and help coordinate and schedule doctor’s visits.  In November, I planned a training session for five new Survivor Advocates.  Hopefully by the end of my term even more new advocates will be trained, so that dozens of women in Jacksonville will have the help of a fellow survivor. 
            In October, my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer.  Ever since her diagnosis, I have valued my position even more.  Bosom Buddies has a library of information about breast cancer awareness, treatment, and recovery.  I have found the information that we have for the family and caregivers of cancer survivors to be especially helpful.  We also have free bras and prosthesis for women after a mastectomy, and wigs, scarves, and hats for women during chemotherapy.  October may have been Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but breast cancer works all year round.  I hope that throughout my ten months of service, I can make as much of a difference as possible. 

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