Tuesday, March 19, 2013

MS Day of Service

NFHC Mandy Chan

NFHC Alicia Seggelink

NFHC  Liana Broomans
NFHC Abby Bradfod

January was a great month for NFHC AmeriCorps members to provide service to the community of Jacksonville, FL.  In celebration of the National Day of Service, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, members partnered with the Multiple Sclerosis Chapter in North Florida to participate in a “MS Service Day.”  MS is a chronic, unpredictable disease of the central nervous system.  Symptoms are unpredictable and vary in severity from person to person but can include: blurred vision, loss of balance, poor coordination, numbness, fatigue, problems with memory and concentration, paralysis, blindness and more. Members spent the morning serving a person living with MS by completing a wide variety of household activities.  Yard work, de-cluttering the garage, and cleaning the bathroom were just a few of the tasks assigned to the Corps.  This service is very beneficial to a person living with MS due to the unpredictability of their symptoms. This was said to be one of the more meaningful projects of our service term due to the close interaction with members in our community.
NFHC AmeriCorps Members!

Photo Credit: Mike Hollan
Photo Credit: Tatiana Giustizia

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