Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Committees 101: Meet the Communications Committee

By now, you are quite familiar with the host site duties of a NFHC member.  What you may not know is that aside from our daily service at our host sites, NFHC members also serve on committees and training coalitions.  These additional components have made our service even more meaningful, so we wanted to share our experiences on our committees and coalitions with you.  First up in the Committees 101 series:  The Communications Committee.  Look out for upcoming posts on the Learning Series, Service Project, and Professional Development Committees!

What does the Communications Committee Do? The Communications Committee is in charge of connecting the NFHC with specific target audiences, such as our funders and the general public, through a strategic communications plan developed by National. We regularly update and maintain the Facebook and blog to inform the public of what we do, and to share health related news and studies. We also were in charge of AmeriCorps Week this year.

What skills have you obtained from serving on your committee? We have gained many skills, including interviewing, blogging, taking pictures, scheduling and coordinating blogs, delegating tasks, working with others, editing posts, managing social media websites, and meeting deadlines. 

What is your favorite part about the Communications Committee?   It is an honor to be able to post about the amazing service that everyone in the Corps has been doing.  We feel blessed to be around such talented people, and love sharing their successes with the world.  We love seeing the number of people we reach with our blogs and posts.  AmeriCorps Week was a very meaningful experience for our committee as it culminated with an amazing AmeriCorps Expo and we were able to collaborate with many AmeriCorps programs in Jacksonville and share it with students at UNF.

Communications Committee Members, from left to right: Chris, Tatiana, Lauren, Abby, Camille, and Jessica

“I have really enjoyed writing the posts for the blog and Facebook. I think it has encouraged me to be more creative. I also love the group of people I serve on the committee with. Everyone is so talented at different things. Some people are great photographers, some are great at video editing and web design, some are incredibly organized, and some are great at composing their ideas, both written and verbal. It has been amazing to see how all of these people with different skills can work together and achieve such a great result. The experience has really shown me that everyone has something unique to share with the world.  
-Jessica Ball, on her favorite part of serving on her committee 

"I have found the Communication Committee experience rewarding because it gives me the perspective of publicizing and appreciating our Corps since we are always looking for things to write about and to post about to share how great this experience is to others. Being on the committee has helped me appreciate the North Florida Health Corps more than I would have if I were not looking for photo ops to post.”
 -Camille Brockett, on how her committee experience has been rewarding

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