Monday, May 13, 2013

Community Garden Build Service Project

Many neighborhoods in Jacksonville have little access to locally grown produce and other healthy food options.  One of the organizations working to remedy that is the Second Harvest Food Bank, an organization that distributes food and groceries to hungry people in North Florida and educates the public about the causes of and possible solutions to domestic hunger.  In March, members of the North Florida Health Corps volunteered with Second Harvest to help build a community garden in one of these low income neighborhoods with little access to good produce.  We built planter boxes, filled them with rich soil, and assembled irrigation systems as part of the project to create a large garden that can both supply the needs of the local community members who will work it and which will supply produce for Second Harvest's other nutritional outreach initiatives.  It was a beautiful Saturday morning, we accomplished a lot, and were happy to contribute to a great project that promotes both the health and involvement of the local community.

More information about Second Harvest Food Bank's community garden initiative can be found here.

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